
Ironically the emergence of the internet, in conjunction with innumerable publications on the property market featuring what is for sale, does not seem to have made the purchase of London property any easier.

Many clients confess to becoming addicted to looking at photographs and floorplans on the internet, have realised eventually that this does not assist them in what they really need to know to progress to the stage of making a purchase.

It only highlights the ground that needs to be covered if all opportunities are to be exploited, and how long the lead time can be for a new property to appear on a web site.
Tube noise, market traders accessing their garages in that lovely Mews within earshot of your bedroom window at 4 am on Saturday morning, why different sides of the same street warrant different prices, are just some of the vitally important facts that only emerge when you spend your first night in your new home.
Only years spent being involved in buying and selling of London property can give an insight to avoid costly mistakes.

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